Unlikely though it may seem Jamaica has a National Surfing Team. Although Jamaica is not known for its surfing this area enjoys good waves eight monthes out of the year and the other three monthes are still good from week to week. The president of the Surf Team is "Billy" Wilmot. Somewhat by happen chance another volunteer and I stumbled across the Wilmot family home and surf club in Bull Bay, JA. The place is called "Jamnesia" and if you aren't careful you can miss it as it set back on the beach and has only a small sign. It was so nice! Very laid back and peaceful. People didn't trouble you there like is so often the case in downtown Kingston. Now granted, you always have to be safe and careful. However, my first experience here was relaxing and easy going. No one was bothering me for money or the like and everyone was welcoming in a non pushy way. They introduced themselves and left us alone for the most part. I met Nigel and Alissia, who are cousins. Alissia is on the national team and Nigel is learning. However, they were quick to help us as we fumbled through the water trying to find our balance as it was the first time for both of us. Although the beach isn't great there, it is mostly small pebbles covering the whole thing, it was great because it wasn't full of a bunch of other tourists and it was beautiful and quite. They have quite a nice hammock too which I imagined myself spending hours swinging in and reading in all weekend to get away from work.
From first glance I recommend this place for anyone who wants to surf and spend a relaxing weekend in the Kingston area. You can spend the night for $15 US in small small beach shacks they have set up. The area is clean and I hear Mama Wilmot cooks for visitors if you want to sample some home cooking.

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