Lest you think all I do is slave and work here are some pictures from a hike I took the other day with Maggie and Rose. Rose is a new volunteer who got here about a week ago. If you walk up the street on which I live and continue going up into the mountains, if you know the right roads, you come to a water fall. It takes about 30 min. to get up there. I was so hot!!! But the water is refreshing and worth the hike, although it doesn't seem so while you are walking up.

Goats are as common as stray cats are from where I come from. They are everywhere...just walking down the roads and streets. It doesn't matter if you are in the middle of a city or not, goats will be there. These were some we were sharing our path with. Also, on the way to the falls there are broken down cars everywhere. The last picture I just really like...as soon as I saw this one it reminded me of my friend Robert...just in old truck. I can imagine this picture coming from his yard someday or something. ;) What do you think, Clare and Sarah?

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