This young lady's name is Mary. She is in her teens and as far as I know has been at Mustard Seed since she was a toddler. I love to sit next to her at Mass on Sundays. She is so exuberant in praising God through the music and being attentive during Mass. She has a speech impediment so it is hard to understand what she is saying but after you spend sometime with her you begin to catch on.
Two days ago I went up to her and asked her, "Mary, where is Jesus." She got a big grin and just laughed at me. Still I insisted, "Mary, WHERE is Jesus??". She stood up and took my hand. She waved her free hand around Sophie's Place and said "Look! Jesus is everywhere!"
"Jesus, is everywhere Mary? SHOW me! Show me where Jesus is."
Keeping a firm grip on my wrist she walked me to the first cottage where our children were sitting in wheelchairs and pointed inside.
"Jesus. Jesus - in there."
"Really?? Jesus, is in there?"
She pulled me to the next cottage and pointed inside at the children.
"Jesus. Jesus right here!"
"Wow, Mary! Jesus IS everywhere"
She was laughing as she said "yea!"
As soon as we got through all the cottages she said
"Come on!" and pulled me to the church.
"Jesus is here." she told me.
"well, show me!"
She smiled and opened the door, walked through the church and drew me the side room where we have the eucharistic chapel. She stopped outside the door.
"Jesus is in here."
"Mary, show me..."
She pulled open the door and walked up to the tabernacle and laid her hand on the door.
"Angela - Jesus is here." She turned around and went to sit in a chair in front of the tabernacle. As I sat next to her holding her hand I felt such overwhelming grace in that moment. How Jesus must love these little ones.
Praise God! Your story about Mary reminds me of the Scripture where Jesus speaks of how the truth is not revealed to the wise and learned but the littlest children. Hope you're doing well Miss Angela! Be encouraged in the Lord!
This was beautiful and brought me to tears. Thank you for sharing this story about sweet little Mary!
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