"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, None but ourselves can free our minds."
Now, I remember once when I was young my Dad watched a PBS special on Bob Marley. I don't remember any of it...I really wish I had cared at that point or I could rewatch it. I am sure Bob made mistakes...well...obviously. But if people listened to his music, and lived by it...would it be different here? Now...all of this may seem besides the point...and I am sure my dad will have some interesting points to my not very well thought out thoughts. Maybe Luke and Uncle Phil have some input on Bob Marley also...feel free to share. Anyone? At ANY rate here is a picture of a cool mural that is outside one of our Apostalates called "My Father's House". That's Nurse Maggie by the way...

Here are a couple of other murals on the wall...on the one hand I think the cultural art is cool...on the other hand I think will this just propagate the Rastafarian belief that Jesus was black??

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Hi Angela - You talked about speaking Patois so I thought you might be interested in this web site and in the other information below.
I'm so proud of what you are doing. You are really diving right into this opportunity. What a great thing for you to do.
Learn Patois, go to this web site:
Speak Jamaican
"In A People House" by Dr Suess read in Jamaican Patois
Teach yourself Jamaican patois/patwa with children stories. Listen and watch the video of " In A People House" by Dr. Seuss read in Jamaican patois/patwa.
Dr Seuss Green Eggs and Ham in Jamaican Patois
Teach yourself Jamaican patois/patwa with children stories. Listen and watch the video of " Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss read in Jamaican patois/patwa.
Updated Jamaican Patois Dictionary With Sound
We have updated our Jamaican patois dictionary and added sound clips for every word & phrase. With over 500 words & phrases our comprehensive patois dictionary will help you to speak Jamaican.
Who seh wi chat patwa (patois)?
Ras Dennis Jabari Reynolds author of the
Jabari Authentic Jamaican Dictionary of the Jamic Language argues that we do not we do not speak broken English, or patois, we speak Jamic.
15 Reasons why Jamaican Patois is a Language ?
Jamaican educator and linguist Karl Folkes gives 15 points on why Jamaican Patois is a language.
Jamaica Glossary
Jamaicanize your vocabulary with our Jamaica Glossary of some popular phrases!
Jamaicans.com Shorthand & Emoticons
Learn the Jamaicanized version of the Internet "shorthand". It was developed by our Jamaicans.com bulletin board members and have been used on our bulletin board for years
Is Jamaica Patois a Language ?
Jamaican educator and linguist Karl Folkes gives his perspective why the language referred to as "Patois/Patwa" should be officially labeled as "Jamaican Creole", or even better as simply "Jamaican".
Speak Jamaican
Whey de I a sey? Learn to Speak Jamaican with conversational sentences.
Patois Sound Clips
Patois Sound Clips. You will need to download the Real Audio Player to listen the clips live.
USA Translation To Jamaican
Learn how you would say some American expressions in Jamaican Patois.
USA Translation To Jamaican
Learn how you would say some American expressions in Jamaican Patois.
This song just came into my head, and I thought you exemplify the
15 Reasons Why Jamaican "Patois" is a Language!
Jamaican educator and linguist, Karl Folkes, writes a new article with 15 reasons why "Patois" is a language...More
OK - This song just came into my head, and I thought you exemplify the meaning of this song.
Don't Worry, Be Happy
by Bobby McFerrin
"Here is a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry be happy
In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy......"
All my love
Aunt Connie
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